(BPRW) FPL’s PoweringFlorida.com resource hub helps support the growth of Black-owned businesses
(Black PR Wire) According to the U.S. Census, Florida ranks #2 in the number of Black-owned businesses, with 250,000 in the state. But unfortunately, statistics also reveal that Black-owned businesses often find it more challenging to grow. Only 4% of Black businesses are open after 3.5 years, dramatically less than the national average of 55%. Black businesses also face greater challenges accessing investments and support to scale their growth. The teams at Florida Power & Light Company’s (FPL) Office of Economic Development believe that building a stronger ecosystem to support the growth of Black- owned businesses is prudent for the state of Florida’s economic prosperity.
FPL created the Black Business Resource Hub on its PoweringFlorida website to provide access to programs and information aimed to support the development of Black owned businesses. The site also covers how to become an FPL or NextEra Energy supplier; provides access to a Black business directory and Black business resources that help cultivate success for Black-owned businesses; information on minority owned business certifications; and a list of workshops, training sessions, and programs for Black entrepreneurs and Black business owners offered via various organizations.
“At FPL, we are not only committed to working with minority-owned businesses, we want to help connect all Black businesses with the right resources to ensure they are tooled and equipped to build the infrastructure needed for their business success,” says Pam Rauch, FPL vice president of external affairs and economic development. “We are excited to share this new resource hub and we look forward to continuing to grow and expand this exceptional platform for many years to come.”
The site provides information on key issues involving the Black business owner, such as:
- Black Business Directory– List of Black businesses throughout the state providing a vast range of products and services.
- Black Business Resources– A listing of organizations throughout Florida are dedicated to providing resources that help cultivate success for Black-owned businesses.
- Minority-Owned Business Certifications– Information on the numerous certification programs that are available at the federal, state, and local levels.
- Events and Programs– A listing of organizations throughout the state with educational programs and networking services and more designed to help to take your business to the next level.
To find out more about FPL’s PoweringFlorida Black Business Resource Hub, visit us online at https://www.poweringflorida.com/how-we-help/black-business.html.
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