Andrea Nunn
Florida A&M University Student Writer
(BLACK PR WIRE/FAMU-TALLAHASSEE) – Florida A&M University’s School of Business and Industry (SBI) ignites a battle of decades to raise $1 million between alumni and friends for SBI’s 40th year celebration. SBI Dean Shawnta Friday-Shroud began the fundraiser initiative in May and has raised $75,000. Keeping true to the competitive nature of SBI, the challenge divides each decade from the 1970s to the 2000s to raise a minimum of $250,000.
“We get funding from the university, but sometimes it isn’t enough,” Friday-Stroud said. “We want to raise the money for ourselves. The $1 million dollars is an investment into our school. You can never truly put a price tag on education. However, you can donate to your educational institution so that others may have the opportunity to be as successful as you.”
The $1 million dollars would never be spent, only the interest from the endowment will be used to fund worldwide competitions, technology upgrades and additional hiring of faculty.
With the 1980s in the lead, Dean Friday"Shroud said she hopes other alumni and friends will engage in the fundraiser. The $1 million goal may seem large for some people. However, to senior business administration student Michael Johnson, it is a realistic. “I think the alumni will be able to raise the money,” Johnson said.
The fundraiser will officially end during FAMU’s 2014 homecoming. Dean Friday-Stroud said the competitive nature of SBIans, a term deemed for students in the SBI program, surely will make the goal reachable and awesome to see which decade will raise the most money.
Allen Grant, a graduating finance student from Atlanta, said the funds are needed for students and he will invest in his school once he enters the workforce.
“I can never repay SBI for all the knowledge that I have occurred,” Grant said. “I will however, give donations so that other students may have an opportunity to advance and be successful.”
For more information on the Battle of the Decades fundraiser or to give a donation, visit
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