For interviews, please contact:
Thysha M. Shabazz
Jamila Cummings
(BLACK PR WIRE) – In his latest book, If You Can See It, You Can Be It: 12 Street-Smart Recipes for Success (SmileyBooks ISBN: 978-1-4019-4060-7, November 4, 2013), Chef Jeff Henderson, New York Times best-selling author of Cooked: My Journey From the Streets to the Stove and America I AM Pass It Down Cookbook, shares two decades worth of life lessons gained on his redemptive journey from drug dealer to celebrity chef and nationally acclaimed speaker.
Henderson reveals his secret ingredients—fast-paced recipes for going from being a “have-not” to one of the “haves.” With his “12 Street-Smart Recipes,” he shows readers how to move in the world successfully through his formulas for transforming a crystal-clear vision into a set of precise goals that become bulletproof action plans for turning dreams into reality. “In life, there are street-smart people and there are book-smart people,” he writes. “Book-smart people may have the top-notch educations, but many have no idea how to apply what they’ve learned in the real world effectively. Street-smart people are the opposite: without formal education, they know what’s going on, how the world works, and how they can make it work for them in their own unique way.” Chef Jeff assures readers that with his recipes in their must-have “hustlepreneur” toolkit, they can get to the top quicker than they ever thought possible.
Chef Jeff has devoted himself to mentoring and motivating at-risk and vulnerable Americans, and his remarkable achievements and inspiring presentations have made him a sought-after speaker for tens of thousands of individuals each year at conventions, conferences, and seminars.
With 12 inspiring and pragmatic “ingredients,” If You Can See It, You Can Be It: 12 Street-Smart Recipes for Success offers readers the utensils to drill down to the core of their dreams. By helping readers to discover their hidden business aptitudes, the book equips them to make life-changing decisions and secure personal and professional success. Whether they are “have-nots” suffering from generational or situational poverty or “lost-a-lots” knocked out by the economic recession, readers will learn something from Chef Jeff’s unique perspectives on the virtues of self-knowledge, hard work, determination, and leverage in the real world.
If You Can See It, You Can Be It: 12 Street-Smart Recipes for Success includes:
1. The Self-Controller
2. The Sacrificer
3. The Knowledge-Jacker
4. The ESP-er:
5. The Gambler
6. The Gab-Master
7. The Chameleon
8. The Crew-Master
9. The Winner
10. The Last-in-Liner
11. The No-Strings Giver
12. The Shot-Caller