Simone Cook
Sonshine Communications
(305) 948-8063
Cast Your Favorite "Like" by Friday, April 17
(Black PR Wire) -- Miami, FL – The clock is ticking and the winner will soon be announced for the Drive It Home Trash-Off Greek and Club Challenge. To cast a vote for your favorite social media submission, participants need to visit, “like” the page; and “like” their favorite Trash-Off entry. The voting period ends at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 17th. The top three submissions that receive the most “likes” via Facebook will be selected as the winners. Winners will be announced online on Earth Day (April 22, 2015). *Prizes for the winning entries are as follows: first place - $1,000 gift card; second place - $500.00 gift card; third place $250.00 gift card.
As part of the Great American Clean-up initiative, the Florida Department of Transportation’s “DRIVE IT HOME ... KEEP OUR PARADISE LITTER-FREE®” campaign launched the statewide competition. Using the campaign theme, participants expressed how they will dispose of litter to their audience. Entries submitted are original and authentic and show how to help keep Florida’s roadsides and communities litter-free.
The finalists include:
• Barry University – Library Clean Up
• Broward College – “Don’t” Poster
• Broward College – “Dr. Who Video” Montage
• Broward College – Social Sciences Group “Expressive Poem”
• Florida A&M University - Recycle4Haiti Foundation Club
• Florida International University – Growth of Leadership, Academics and Diversity in Ecological Science (GLADES) Club
• Florida International University – Garden Club
• Florida Memorial University – “Sir Swoop”
• Florida State University – PanHellenic Council Steppers
• Johnson & Whales University – Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority “Beach CleanUp”
• PRSSA Clubs – “Girl Power”
• University of Central Florida - Intellectual Decisions on Environmental Awareness Solutions (i.D.E.A.S.) Club “Clean Up Everybody Everywhere!” Prezi Presentation
• University of Florida – Gospel Choir
• University of Florida - Sigma Phi Lambda Sorority
Categories for the Challenge entries include:
1. Artistic Expression (i.e. PSA, commercial, artistic art piece, fashion piece, etc.)
2. Campus/Community Activity (i.e. photos of a trash wipe-out event on campus or community park’s grounds, rallying a clean-up day around a lake, etc.)
3. Poetry and Prose (i.e. sharing the written word)
4. Unique Art Piece (i.e. poster, drawing, photography, trash-can decoration, art fashion exhibits, etc.)
5. Video Showcase (i.e. step show, dance, song, jingle, etc.)
6. Other category – Entries that do not fit in any of the specified categories can be submitted and included in this section. Please provide an overview of the entry submitted.
The state’s official Roadside Litter Prevention Education (RLPE) Media Campaign aims to reduce the incidence of littering on Florida highways, promote pride in the beauty of Florida’s landscapes and educate Florida motorists about the dangers and hazards of roadside litter. Built around the theme, “DRIVE IT HOME . . . KEEP OUR PARADISE LITTER-FREE®,” the campaign enlists professional and amateur athletes from a variety of sports, who appear in various media outlets including radio, television, outdoor and newsprint.
The campaign seeks to educate Floridians and visitors on litter issues and change their behavior by leveraging the influence of athletes portrayed in a high-visibility multi-media campaign with television, radio and outdoor advertising components, as well as community events. The primary audience focus for the campaign will include driving motorists between the ages of 15 – 35.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is an executive agency, which reports directly to the Governor. FDOT’s primary statutory responsibility is to coordinate the planning and development of a safe, viable and balanced state transportation system serving all regions of the state, and to assure the compatibility of all components, including multimodal facilities. The multimodal transportation system includes roadway, air, rail, sea, spaceports, bus transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. FDOT has the multi-year Roadside Litter Prevention Education (RLPE) Media Campaign in an effort to support the beauty of Florida and maintain a place that residents can be proud of every day, every year.
For details and more information on the Drive It Home Trash-Off Greek and Club Challenge, contact Bernadette Morris of Sonshine Communications at (305) 948-8063, ext. 201 or visit
*All prizes are donated and are not state or federal funds or contract dollars.